Diligio Bitcoin API

by Jan 26, 2020News

Diligio decided to build their own Bitcoin API that allows developers to integrate Bitcoin-related functionality into their own applications. According to Diligio’s website, their Bitcoin API is a fast and reliable solution for Bitcoin transactions, with easy integration and a flexible pricing model.

Developers can use the Diligio Bitcoin API to generate Bitcoin addresses, process Bitcoin transactions, and monitor Bitcoin wallets. The API supports both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, and offers features such as multi-signature support and two-factor authentication for added security.

Diligio also offers other API solutions, including a Cryptocurrency Exchange API and a Crypto Wallet API. These APIs allow developers to build custom cryptocurrency exchange and wallet platforms, leveraging Diligio’s technology and expertise.

Overall, the Diligio Bitcoin API appears to be a robust and comprehensive solution for developers looking to incorporate Bitcoin functionality into their applications.

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